Productivity Tips Every Leader Needs
Did you know that your example has the biggest influence on the productivity of those working around you?
I’m thrilled to be part of the NSA Mountain West Video Series.
In this video I share…
August and September Podcasts
Did you miss my podcasts from the past two months? Don’t worry, they’re still here! Have a listen to any or all of them today!
Is It Better to Be an Optimist, a Realist or a Pessimist? Maybe There's Something Even Better by Michelle McCullough
You've heard about the pessimist, the realist and the optimist, which one is the best? Is it possible to be even better?
How to Choose Flexibility Over Frustration
Often times we find ourselves in incredibly frustrating circumstances. In this video I share an experience where I was in one such situation and how I decided to choose…
What is The Best Way to Start Your Day Positively?
A simple question can help create a positive morning routine AND help you frame the rest of your day. In this quick video with Michelle McCullough, you'll hear a tip on how you can live The HappyIST life. How do you want to feel? What do you do first thing that helps you start your day right?
Regret Feels Worse Than Failure
As you focus on success, you can fear failure. However, failure can be a great teacher. But some fear failure to the point that they are held back from action and moving forward on what they want most. From personal experience