Three Tools to Create Your 2022 Marketing Strategy

Create a foolproof 2022 Marketing Plan...

I've got your back!

Putting off planning for next year because you don’t know where to begin? Whether you’re a smart marketer, solopreneur, business owner, or work in direct sales, this is for you.

With all the changes that have come our way in the last couple of years, now more than ever you need an effective marketing plan that works even when the current climate seems uncertain. It’s time to create a crisis-resistant marketing plan and I’m here to help!

Which one of these three tools will help you best?

1. Guided Marketing Audit Video (32 minutes of me walking you through key questions that will help you evaluate where you are and make plans for what's to come.) While you watch, I'd love for you to subscribe so you can see new episodes of Make It Happen that are coming your way!

2. A DIY Marketing Audit E-Book?

I created a step-by-step guide that makes it easy for you or your team to review and evaluate what's working, what's not working, and what needs to change.

Get The Ebook Here

3. MY FAVORITE: Time with Me Creating Your 2022 Marketing Plan at the Marketing Blueprint Workshop

Give me 2 days, and you’ll leave with a completed marketing strategy that can handle anything that comes (and increase your profits at the same time)! Live and virtual tickets are still available.

Create your own professional strategy that:

  • Costs a fraction of what an agency would charge

  • Speaks more personally and impactfully to your target audience

  • Drives more sales than you realized possible

I've updated the Marketing Blueprint with the latest trends and some KEY factors that are changing the marketing landscape.  We can't keep doing the same things and expecting different results.  The world has changed, or our marketing needs to change, too!

This is the 9th year I've offered this course and half of my attendees already registered are Alumni.  They know the value of being in the room (or watching virtually) to get their plans in place for a powerful marketing strategy in the new year.  

Join us? Use code: READY for a special discount, only available through this weekend. I only have 3 VIP seats left, so if you want a ticket plus all the bonus help, act fast.  I expect them to sell out by Saturday night.

You're not alone! I want you to thrive in 2022, and I hope one or all of these resources will be valuable to you as you move forward.

Happy Marketing!



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