Super Charge Your Goals & Results With 4 Easy Tips.

According to the Association of Psychological Science, “Feelings of success in the workplace occur to the extent that people see they are able to grow, meet job challenges and by pursuing and attaining goals that are important and meaningful.” Studies also show that simply pursuing goals and interests bring greater levels of happiness and satisfaction - personally and professionally.

Question: Goal setting seems simple, but it’s not always easy, what’s your first tip you would give someone who wants better results?

Michelle: Get out of your head, and tie your goals to physical activities.  Goal setting IS a mental game, but it’s the physical things we do that help us break bad habits and replace them with activities that bring results..  Don’t think about your goals, or type them in your phone WRITE them down.  Physically connecting with your goals is powerful.  Also, it’s not the things we think, it's the things we DO that make a difference.  Don’t just create a goal, write down what daily, weekly and monthly actions you’ll take to get there.

Question: Do you think it’s better to go it alone or to enlist help

?Michelle: Find someone who will keep you accountable.  Studies show that if you have a good accountability partner you’re 65% more likely to succeed, but don’t just tell someone what you’re up to! Take it one step further, if you have regular accountability meetings you're 95% more likely to succeed.  Also, not all friends or spouses are good accountability partners.  Someone needs to be supportive with out judgment and also needs to push without judgement as well.

Question: What do you think holds people back from getting the results they want?

Michelle: It’s not that people can’t accomplish a goal, it’s that they don’t make time for it.  But the truth is that it’s not just making time, it’s making room, which means you often have to let something go. Your days are currently full, so what are you going to eliminate from your life in order to let something new in? Do you need to decrease time spent on social media or digital distractions? If so, set times on your phone to kick you out of social media apps or make a habit that you won’t open digital devices until you’ve worked on your goal for the day. Is there a task you need to outsource to help you be successful? Do you need to get better sleep so you have more energy? As part of your planning, consider what needs to removed from your life so your goals aren’t held hostage by your busy schedule. SCHEDULE time in your day for the actions that will bring you to success.

Question: What is your final thought or tip to up level your goal setting and goal achieving results?

Michelle: Block out time each week to evaluate your progress.  Whether it’s Friday afternoon before the weekend, or Monday morning before you start your routines look at your goal AND your efforts and ask yourself, what worked this week?  What didn’t work this week and what needs to change?  Don’t be afraid to change your habits as you move forward.  Your destination will stay the same but the way you get there may need some creativity.  Success is not the destination, it’s the practice.  And practicing evaluation will help the goal stay fresh.


Supercharge Your Goals for Increased Results


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