10 Lessons Businesses and Peak Performers Can Learn From Greatest Showman (VIDEO)

Today for my monthly segment on KSL Browser 5.0 I got to share 3 of my favorite business takeaways from the box office hit The Greatest Showman.

This segment was a lot of fun and there are some great tips and ideas here.

On the segment I share that I’ve made my list of almost 45 (and growing) takeaways. Today I’m going to share 7 more (in no particular order).

From the Video

1. Pivot & Innovate

2. “We Don’t Need A Building”

3. “Here Right In Front of You”

Bonus Takeaways:

4. From the scene in the bar with Jackman and Efron, “Comfort is the enemy of progress.” Juicy, right? Are you comfortable or are you growing? In what ways can you step away from fear and take action for greater success and performance?

5. Publicity is still the lifeblood of Business but today the PR for your business, brand or product exists beyond the newspaper and the limitation of others opinions. How can you get the media to talk about your business?  How can you use your own social media and online platforms to steer the conversation.

6. This isn’t discussed, but at the end, we see this great quote from PT Barnum. How do you or your business make others happy? How do you solve problems for your ideal customer.  “The noblest art is that of making others happy.”

7. Business or Success doesn’t fill any holes. Barnum, like many entrepreneurs (including myself at times), look to the lights and the glitter to fill something inside of us. I have learned, as Barnum’s character does, that success doesn’t fill holes of loneliness, lack, feeling like enough. And continuing to chase it can often make those holes bigger.

8. Don’t cut corners. I love Barnum’s commitment to quality costumes, good signs and marketing, etc. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see startups make, they cut corners to save a buck and do things halfway. As a result, their brand is only half developed and their bottom line, bottoms out. Sure, there are ways you can bootstrap your business, but don’t sacrifice quality.

9. “Dreaming with your eyes wide open” I love this line in the song “Come Alive”.  The double meaning here is awesome. “Dream while you’re awake,” my friend Clint Pulver says. And this line is directly in alignment with letting you dream in life and it just at night. Have your million dreams. But I also love Dream with your eyes wide open.

SEE the risks and evaluate.

SEE the future.

SEE what’s coming.


️ this is the way to expand your success.

10. Partner with RIGHT People. Barnum hand picked his performers for the right Show. He also picked a business partner that could fill a hole he needed. As you hire and grow, build your team with people who compliment your strengths by bringing their strengths to the table.

Stay tuned for more of my favorite takeaways, and share some of YOUR favorites!

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