To Read, or Not to Read...

This is a picture of me and my Christmas haul.  My husband enjoys cleaning out myreading, seth godin, christmas gifts, amazon wish wish list and I enjoy receiving things I picked out (don't get me wrong, I also love a good surprise!).  This year I got a lot of books.  I love to read.  LOVE IT.  However, as a busy entrepreneur and mom of 2 young kids, I don't seem to have the time that I would like to read all the books on my list.  In fact, since Christmas, I've really only finished 1 of the books in that stack.  Some of have been thumbed through and some are half finished (do you ever have multiple books going?).  Not to mention the fact that my book list grows by 1 or 2 a week, but I'm not reading them that quickly.Lately, I have been loving audio books.  I spend a fair amount of time in the car so I can consume books quicker if I can have a listen instead of having to sneak into the bathroom and lock the door for 10 minutes so that I can get through another chapter in my current book.  I don't have a Kindle, but I do take a book everywhere I go so that if I'm sitting at a doctors appointment or waiting somewhere I always have something to do.How do you consume your books?  Listen?  Read good, old fashioned books?  Carry around a Kindle?Happy Wednesday!Michelle


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