I Love Funerals

Now hear me out.  I'm not morbid and I DON'T like people to die, but I find funerals to be cathartic and very introspective.

I went to a funeral a few years ago of a man in my neighborhood who passed away at 83.  He'd been in poor health for 5 years.
His funeral was standard.  Speakers, musical numbers, etc.  But I found that even though I didn't know him well, I cried along with his family.  How sad they must feel.  How they wonder what they will do with the hole in their hearts.
But it's more than that.  I left the funeral home feeling happy.  I tried to figure out why and came up with these three reasons:
1. It makes me look inward a little, okay a lot.  What will be said of me when I die?  This man was beloved by his family for his devotion to them, for his love of the outdoors, for his service in the church and for how he taught his family lessons through the family garden they had EVERY year, even this one.  Will my children say of me that she loved movies and food?  Will that be their best memory of what was important to me?  Does it matter that I love business and that I'm always looking for a way to make money?  That's been on my mind a lot over the past few months and does that really matter?  I mean, sure, we need to be able to provide for our needs.  But my NEEDS (maybe not my wants) are met but I want more.  I have a cute kids and to love and to teach and be with them...but "balancing" work and family is sometimes a struggle. (More on this later.)  No one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I spent more time at the office." And yet, I have dreams and goals that push me share my messages with the world.
2. Another thing, what I love about funerals is that they focus on the good.  No mention is ever made of their short comings and faults.  No mention is made of mistakes made in life, unless it was a major turning point that turned for the good.  I love that.  I love that when I go to funerals I get to hear the BEST of people.  The good.  What a nice way to remember someone at the close of their lives.
3. I believe in Heaven.  I believe we can see the people we love again.  That knowledge brings me peace and I look forward to chatting again in the "perfect" place.
I've been to lots of funerals since including the passing of my dear grandmother, Mary.  So grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their life, and celebrate the effect they have been on mine.  Now I need to be grateful for each day and breath and make each day count!

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