81: How To Be Happier In Life Or Work

Positivity matters. Over the years I have found that studying happiness increases productivity more than productivity increases productivity. Crazy, right? But it's so true. If you can find ways to stay positive and move forward confidently then you're less likely to be distracted in what you're doing. It doesn't mean your challenges go away, it DOES mean that you have the ability to put them in their proper place and get things done even when life is heavy! Happiness is one of my very favorite conversations. Have you seen my book called The HappyIST - 30 Happy Habits, A Tip Book for the HappyIST Life. It's a great read personally as well as for your company or even your kids!


82: How To Be An Effective Leader At Work In A Changing Environment


80: If Everyone Supported You, What Would YOU Choose?