If You’re In Business, You Need To Tell Two Stories

Do you listen to podcasts? Michelle has been podcasting since 2013 and there is a treasure trove of interviews and advice available through Make It Happen on iTunes.

If time is tight you might love her minicast series! Each episode is less than 10 minutes.

On this minicast: The two most profitable stories in your business are the story that you tell your customers and prospects to get them to buy (marketing) and the story that you tell employees to get them to perform (high performance and productivity). In this minicast I share why these stories should be conversations you're having "around the conference table" (even if virtually). I help customers tell these stories so if you need help or additional resources on this subject go to www.speakmichelle.com Also, follow me on your favorite social media channel where we have a lot of these conversations. I'm @speakmichelle on facebook, twitter, instagram and LinkedIn!

For more information about what stories you need to be telling, subscribe to my YouTube channel.


Time Management


Motivation Moment: Achieving Your Goals