How to Be Unoffendable
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In my book, The HappyIST, I talk about 30 different tips that can help you reach your happiest emotional levels. One of my favorite tips that I think is incredibly powerful and can help you approach your own emotions in this chaotic world is two simple words, be unoffendable. This can be beneficial in a world where we are surrounded by people who make questionable choices.
There are many differing beliefs that are happening in the world, from politics to religion and everything in between. It can be easy to roll our eyes and wonder how it is possible anyone can think that way. At times we allow others power over our emotions and that can affect our happiness.
Ask yourself these questions, what is it costing me to be right? What is it costing me to prove that one person wrong or win that argument with that person online? Sometimes we don't even recognize that we're doing it. Sometimes the filter on social media goes away and we end up saying things with our fingers that we would never say with our mouth.
To live an unoffendable life you need to take back control of your life and emotions. Living an unoffendable life is understanding that you will not allow anyone else's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or actions change the way you feel.
Each day choose your happiest words for the day and then anchor into them with intention. Whenever you find yourself in a moment that you're challenged, go back to your happy words for the day and focus on choosing how you want to feel.
Don't let anyone have the power to change your emotions. While this principle sounds simple, I do want to acknowledge that there are offensive people in the world doing offensive things. In these cases, it's all about them. Don't let whatever actions they take change how positive and happy you are choosing to be. You can live the happiest life on your terms and on your level. Do this by choosing to allow no one else power to change the way you feel. I'm cheering you on to live your happiest life today and always.